I John 5:6-8
Who is the HS? There are many things we cannot know about the HS. Duet.29:29, “the secret things belong to God”. But the Bible gives us enough information so that we can answer this.
- The term “Godhead is found 3 times in KJV. Acts 17:29, Romans 1:20, Col. 2:9. God simply means state of being divine, deity, baptized. “Godhead”. It’s a total collectivity of divine beings. Those who are supreme deities. The Godhead is made up of Beings of divine nature and possesses divine majesty. There is 1 Godhead (Divinity) but they are made up of 3 distinct, divine, separate personalities. ( our scripture reading)
- We see this when we look at other terms. “manhood, “womanhood”, “childhood”. These terms refer to human beings that possess peculiar qualities and characteristics. There are many people with different personalities, but there is 1 humanity. As there are separate and distinct persons that constitute mankind, so there are 3 separate and distinct persons who constitute the Godhead. The scriptures reveal a plurality of beings in the Godhead. Genesis 1:1, 26.
- The divine personalities in the Godhead are God the Father, God the Son, and God the HS. Each of these individuals Beings possesses all the qualities and attributes of divinity, and each is called God. The Father—I Cor. 8:6, the Son—John 1:1, the HS—Acts 5:3, 4.
- God the Father is not God the Son and God the Son is not God the Father. John 8:16, 14:28.
- The Son is not the HS and HS is not the Son. Matt. 3:16, Acts 10:38.
- God the Father is not the HS and HS is not God the Father. John 14:16, 17, 26.
Holy—to be pure, separated, consecrated, “spirit” breath, wind (we cannot see it but we can see its results.
There is 1 Spirit. Eph. 4:4
HS possesses attributes of a person. Has a mind ( thoughts, feeling, purpose. Romans 8:27. Has knowledge, I Cor. 2:10,11. Affection (love) Romans 15:30. Goodness, Neh. 9:20. Has a will, I Cor. 12:11. These attributes show that HS is a person, a being possessing intelligence, not a mere influence or force.
HSs works manifest his personality. He speaks, I Tim. 4:1, leads or forbids, Acts 16:6,7, hears, guides, John 16:12-19, teaches, comforts, searches, makes intercession, Romans 8:26.
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He can be grieved, blasphemed, lied to or resisted. Tried, tested, and despised, Hebrews 10:29, “why have you
insulted the Spirit of Grace. Only a personality can be so treated.
HS is not some mystical substance that permeates the universe like a fog. Not a mere influence. Is not a ghost or a glorified “It” or some form of energy. “O, if you could only feel “it”.
JW’s teach that Holy Spirit is not a member to the trinity, not a co-equal and is not even a person
The HS is a separate, distinct, independent personality in the Godhead who has been active in the affairs of mankind since the dawn of creation. As a divine being, he cooperates with other members of the Godhead in carrying out a divine will. He is on an equal basis with the Father and the Son and it is into his name also that we are to be baptized.
- CL Bruner