Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name.
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget none of His benefits.
- Psalms 103:1-2
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Gods Justice

God’s Justice.


                Ran across an article that had been written. ‘A farmer once wrote a newspaper editor, saying, sir, I plowed my field on Sunday, planted it on Sunday, I dressed it on Sunday, reaped it on Sunday, I carted the crop home on Sunday. My neighbors went to church on Sunday. And now, Mr. Editor, what is the result? I have more bushels to the acre than any off my neighbors have in September”. The editor printed the letter and then added this comment, “God does not settle everything in September”.  There will come a day when everyone who has lived upon this earth will give an account.


Justice used 28 times in OT. Gen. 18:19. Concerning Abraham.  Concerning Christ, Isa. 9:7. One on the meanings of Justice is, righteous, morally correct behavior, or thinking, righteousness. Word “Justice” is not used in NT. But verses are used to show the end of those who are not righteous. II Thes. 1:6-10, Jude 7. Both of these verses has reference to the “execution of a sentence, punishment. God reward for one’s obedience. He inflicts punishment for sin and disobedience. But regardless of the nature of his dealings with us, what he does is right.


We all understand the attributes of God, “all knowing, all wise, all powerful. These attributes, God is absolutely just. His knowledge and wisdom assures us that he always knows what is right. His holiness guarantees his desire to do what is right, and his power makes certain his ability to perform what is right.


God’s justice is taught throughout the Scriptures. Isa. 45:21. “There is no God else beside me. A just God and a Savior. There is none beside me”. Duet. 32:4, “ He is the Rock, his work is perfect. For all his ways are judgment. A God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.


There are many things about the Scriptures and God’s ways that we cannot completely understand. Moses told Israel in Duet. 29:29, “the secret things belong to God, but those things revealed belong to us and our children”. Failure to understand God’s word is not God’s fault. Problem is, man is limited in his knowledge and wisdom that he cannot comprehend all of God’s ways.


Paul states in Romans 11:33, “ o the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God. How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past find out”. Paul states in Cor. 1:25, “the foolishness of God is wiser than man”.


It is not our place as people capable of making mistakes or being in error or people who have limits and bounds, to question the wisdom and justice of and all powerful God. If we cannot understand the workings of God, we need to realize that it’s because our lack of knowledge and wisdom, and not God’s.


We have liberty (not robots) and the right to make our own decisions, even though they may not always be wise. God, in his wisdom saw fit to give us a choice that we might serve him willingly instead of be force to serve him. We are made in the image of God, but is our power to choose and think for ourselves were removed, we would cease to be patterned after him. We are created in his image.


So when man today speaks concerning God and his justice, they have no idea what they are saying, for they are ignorance of who God is, and what the Scriptures say concerning him. Eph. 4:18, I Peter 2:15.


- CL Bruner
